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Packaging and Delivery#

Outline of GitHub repositories#

The following is a graph of the GitHub repositories in the kubestellar GitHub organization and the dependencies among them. The repo at the tail of an arrow depends on the repo at the head of the arrow. These are not just build-time dependencies but any reference from one repo to another.

flowchart LR kubestellar --> kubeflex kubestellar --> ocm-status-addon ocm-status-addon --> kubestellar ocm-transport-plugin --> kubestellar kubestellar --> ocm-transport-plugin

The references from ocm-status-addon to kubestellar are only in documentation and are in the process of being removed (no big difficulty is anticipated).


See the GitHub repo.

OCM Status Addon#

The OCM Status Addon repo is the source of a RedHat-style operator.

Outline of OCM status addon publishing#

flowchart LR subgraph "ocm-status-addon@GitHub" osa_code[OSA source code] osa_hc_src[OSA Helm chart source] end osa_ctr_image[OSA container image] --> osa_code osa_hc_repo[published OSA Helm Chart] --> osa_hc_src osa_hc_src -.-> osa_ctr_image osa_hc_repo -.-> osa_ctr_image

The dashed dependencies are at run time, not build time.

"OSA" is OCM Status Addon.

OCM status addon container image#

There is a container image at

The container image is built and published by that repo's release process, which is documented at its docs/ file.

By our development practices and not doing any manual hacks, we maintain the association that a container image tagged with $VERSION is built from the Git commit that has the Git tag v$VERSION.

To support testing, make ko-local-build will build a single-platform image and not push it, only leave it among your Docker images. The single platform's OS is Linux. The single platform's ISA is defined by the make variable ARCH, which defaults to what go env GOARCH prints.

OCM status addon Helm chart#

The operator is delivered by a Helm chart at The chart references the container image.

By our development practices and doing doing any manual hacks, we maintain the association that the OCI image tagged v$VERSION contains a Helm chart that declares its version and its appVersion to be v$VERSION and the templates in that chart include a Deployment for the OCM Status Add-On Agent using the container image$VERSION.

OCM Transport Plugin#

The source is the GitHub repo

OCM Transport container image#

This appears at

TODO: document how the image is built and published, including explain versioning.



Literal KubeStellar release numbers appear here, and are historical. The version of this document in a given release does not mention that release. See the release process for more details on what self-references are and are not handled.

Outline of publishing#

flowchart LR subgraph cladm_repo["ocm/clusteradm@GitHub"] cladm_src["clusteradm source"] end subgraph ks_repo["kubestellar@GitHub"] kcm_code[KCM source code] kcm_hc_src[KCM Helm chart source] ks_pch[kubestellar PostCreateHook] ocm_pch["ocm PostCreateHook"] ks_scripts -.-> ocm_pch ks_scripts -.-> ks_pch end cladm_image["ks/clusteradm image"] --> cladm_src ocm_pch -.-> cladm_image kcm_ctr_image[KCM container image] --> kcm_code kcm_hc_repo[published KCM Helm Chart] --> kcm_hc_src kcm_hc_src -.-> kcm_ctr_image kcm_hc_repo -.-> kcm_ctr_image ks_pch -.-> kcm_hc_repo ks_scripts -.-> osa_hc_repo[published OSA Helm Chart] ks_scripts -.-> otp_something["published OTP ??"] ks_scripts -.-> KubeFlex

The dashed dependencies are at run time, not build time.

"KCM" is the KubeStellar controller-manager.

"ks_scripts" are the user-facing instructions and the end-to-end tests that use published artifacts (container images, Helm charts). (There are also e2e tests that do not use previously published artifacts, their temporary local artifacts are beyond the scope of this document.)

NOTE: among the references to published artifacts, some have a version that is maintained in Git while others have a placeholder in Git that is replaced in the publishing process. See the release document for more details. This is an on-going matter of development.

Local copy of KubeStellar git repo#

NOTE: Because of a restriction in one of the code generators that we use, a contributor needs to have their local copy of the git repo in a directory whose pathname ends with the Go package name --- that is, ends with /

Derived files#

Some files in the kubestellar repo are derived from other files there. Contributors are responsible for invoking the commands to (re)derive the derived files as necessary.

Some of these derived files are derived by standard generators from the Kubernetes milieu. A contributor can use the following command to make all of those, or use the individual make commands described in the following subsubsections to update particular subsets.

make all-generated

The following command, which we aspire to check in CI, checks whether all those derived files have been correctly derived. It must be invoked in a state where the git status is clean, or at least the dirty files are irrelevant; the current commit is what is checked. This command has side-effects on the filesystem like make all-generated.


Files generated by controller-gen#

  • make manifests generates the CustomeResourceDefinition files, which exist in two places: config/crd/bases and pkg/crd/files.

  • make generate generates the deep copy code, which exists in zz_generated.deepcopy.go next to the API source.

Files generated by code-generator#

The files in pkg/generated are generated by k/code-generator. This generation is done at development time by the command make codegenclients.

KubeStellar controller-manager container image#

KubeStellar has one container image, for what is called the KubeStellar controller-manager. For each WDS, KubeStellar has a pod running that image. It installs the needed custom resource definition objects if they are not already present, and is a controller-manager hosting the per-WDS controllers (binding controller and status controller) from the kubestellar repo.

The image repository is

By our development practices and not doing any manual hacking we maintain the association that the container image tagged $VERSION is built from the Git commit having the Git tag v$VERSION.

The release process builds and publishes that container image.

make ko-build-local will make a local image for just the local platform. This is used in local testing.

KubeStellar controller-manager Helm Chart#

There is a Helm chart that is designed to be instantiated in a KubeFlex hosting cluster, once per WDS. The focus of the chart is getting the KubeStellar controller-manager installed.

The source for the Helm chart is in the chart/ directory. make chart (re)derives it from local sources. This is not included in make all-generated.

This chart creates (among other things) a Deployment object that runs a container from the KubeStellar controller-manager container image.

The chart is published at the OCI repository A GitHub Actions workflow (in .github/workflows/goreleaser.yml) specializes and publishes this chart as part of the release process.

By our development practices and not doing any manual hacking, we maintain the association that the OCI image tagged $VERSION contains a Helm chart that declares its version and its appVersion to be $VERSION and that chart has a Deployment that uses the kubestellar-controller-manager container image tagged $VERSION.

clusteradm container image#

The kubestellar GitHub repository has a script, hack/, that creates and publishes a container image holding the clusteradm command from OCM. The source of the container image is read from the latest release of, unless a command line flag says to use a specific version. This script also pushes the built container image to using a tag that equals the ocm/clusteradm version that the image was built from.

KubeFlex PostCreateHooks#

There are two PostCreateHook objects defined in the config/postcreate-hooks/ directory.

ocm PostCreateHook#

The PostCreateHook defined in ocm.yaml gets used on an ITS and adds the hub side of OCM there, using the image See above about the source of that. Currently this PostCreateHook is used in the E2E tests but this is a problem because of its fixed reference to container image previously built from sources in this same Git repository.

kubestellar PostCreateHook#

The PostCreateHook defined in kubestellar.yaml is intended to be used in the hosting cluster, once per WDS, and runs container image (which is built from the Helm source by a process that we need to document) to instantiate the chart from oci://; the chart version appears as a literal in the PostCreateHook, currently "0.20.0". Currently the only reference to any copy of this PostCreateHook is from the examples doc, which references the copy in the Git commit tagged v0.20.0.

Amalgamated graph#

Currently only showing kubestellar and ocm-status-addon.

TODO: finish this

flowchart LR subgraph osa_repo["ocm-status-addon@GitHub"] osa_code[OSA source code] osa_hc_src[OSA Helm chart source] end osa_ctr_image[OSA container image] --> osa_code osa_hc_repo[published OSA Helm Chart] --> osa_hc_src osa_hc_src -.-> osa_ctr_image osa_hc_repo -.-> osa_ctr_image subgraph cladm_repo["ocm/clusteradm@GitHub"] cladm_src["clusteradm source"] end subgraph ks_repo["kubestellar@GitHub"] kcm_code[KCM source code] kcm_hc_src[KCM Helm chart source] ks_pch[kubestellar PostCreateHook] ocm_pch["ocm PostCreateHook"] ks_scripts -.-> ocm_pch ks_scripts -.-> ks_pch end osa_repo -.-> ks_repo cladm_image["ks/clusteradm image"] --> cladm_src ocm_pch -.-> cladm_image kcm_ctr_image[KCM container image] --> kcm_code kcm_hc_repo[published KCM Helm Chart] --> kcm_hc_src kcm_hc_src -.-> kcm_ctr_image kcm_hc_repo -.-> kcm_ctr_image ks_pch -.-> kcm_hc_repo ks_scripts -.-> osa_hc_repo[published OSA Helm Chart] ks_scripts -.-> otp_something["published OTP ??"] ks_scripts -.-> KubeFlex

Every dotted line is a reference that must be versioned. How do we keep all those versions right?

Normally a git tag is an immutable reference to an immutable git commit. Let's not violate that.

Can/should we say that an OCI image (or whatever) tag equals the tag of the commit that said image (or whatever) was built from? While keeping main always a working system?